My canoe will start itՉs journey in TRF, M.N. My dream is that it will make all the way to Hudson Bay. First it will leave TRF and then it will go to Red Lake River then I will make the long hard way down to Hudson Bay. But on the way it with see a wild fire when it gets stuck and almost burns but doesnՉt. After it will be found by a by a woman and she will clean it off the ash. She will put it back in the water to continue its journey. It will pass by towns but mostly wild life so far it has been rough but it had made it through. One day there will be a huge storm. A fisher man will be getting ready to leave but finds it and brings it back home with him. He with scan the q-r code take a picture and let it on its journey. In all it will make its way to Hudson bay and start a new journey.