Canoe 23RD1088

Չ€œSHHՉ€ the gentle call of the Red River. ItՉ€™s her special song. I love it Չ€œhello IՉ€™m SPIRIT like the horse in the movie Spirit the stallion of the Caribbean. I hope to go to Hudson Bay!Չ€ I tell the river.I thought I heard her say Չ€œGOՉ€ then the wind picks up.The sun gets brighter the wind slows it keeps going back and forth itՉ€™s like a battle.Չ€WooshՉ€ I get pushed down the hill Չ€œsplushՉ€ I'm in the river it should be smooth sailing from now on.Then I hear the birds, they are here, itՉ€™s the start of SPRING! The snow starts to thaw, soon IՉ€™ll see grass and no snow. Look, a group of deer drinking from the river. OH NO, I ran into a beaver dam. I slowly move to the side and touch land. ItՉ€™s been a whileՉ€» IՉ€™m still here. What a group of wild horses.They see me.The lead stallion comes and picks me up and puts me back in the water on the other side of the river and I keep going.Over the canadian border and to go on to Hudson Bay. Please put me back in the water.
Dec 22, 2024
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View Jun 1, 2023 Mary M