Canoe 24RD0391

Hi my name is Boo and when I was set in the water I tried to make my way to an ocean but when I was on my journey I saw kids playing and animals on my way and I wanted people to see me in the water. I wonder what humans look like but I really enjoy this ride. When I get to the red river in Fargo I want to see fish and kids playing and flowers. On my journey up the red river i ended up in grand forks i saw people fishing in grand forks and cars that has smoke coming out the back after that i go more up red river i go throw minnesota north dakota and i keep going and end up in winnipeg as i go throw winnipeg i see flowers people kids animals car wich was cool so i continue to go on red river and end up in lake winnipeg so i go throw there and end in playgreen lake. My journey was fun.
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