WOAH Hi my name is Lipstick Taser but you can call me Tas Taz tho . My owner just released me in the pelican river My owners bff also released her canoe. We see a lot of other little canoes Welp Our Journey together begins unless we get separated when we fall asleep. I hope me and my friend get to make it to Hudson Bay or Fargo Nd. 2 Days Later BumpBumpBumpWe wake up and we are still together I dont really know where we are right now tho. We are Surrounded by rocks How do we get out of here Before we knew it we got picked up by someone and they said Woah two for one they read the note on are canoes and she went on her phone she took our picture then she went back on her phone. Then she said okay time for you guys to get back on your Journey In my mind I said thank you But I know she cant hear me Lets Keep Going on our journey I say to the other canoe