Canoe 18RD0074

Here I am at the Red River. WhatՉ€™s the weather? It is a warm summer day, yes on this very day. I launch my canoe today. I hope my canoe will travel to Hudson Bay. Yes all that way. It will go past trees with beautiful leaves. Animals it will see. A fox in a box. A fish under water. A beaver in its dam. If my canoe could talk it would say Չ€œI donՉ€™t quite care where I am.Չ€ People it will see, maybe my grandma and me. People like you might see it too. I hope you do. It will travel on many rivers, lakes, whatever it takes. Here and there everywhere. Look colorful flowers over there. People will help my canoe. Maybe even you! Over waterfalls big or small it will go. It might get froze by ice and snow. In summer hot, hot as can be. Here come flowers and trees տŠ My canoe has gone really far. Now it is in a city with lots of cars! Good bye, farewell I hope you and my canoe do well տŠ
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