Canoe 18RD0321

When we launch my canoe, it will go to the Bois de Sioux River, then, it will go all the way up to Winnipeg and into Hudson Bay. My canoe will see a lot more animals than it will see here. It will see animals such as foxes, bears, and otters. In Hudson Bay, animals such as a walrus, polar bear, whales, and maybe even a narwhal. In Lake Winnipeg, it will sit there, in the middle of the lake for five days, then, a fisherman will go out to fish, see my canoe, and help it go into the river into Hudson Bay. It will meet many people along the way, such as my MomՉ€™s old teacher in Wahpeton, my aunt in Fargo, my other aunt in Fargo, and many more people that I do not know and probably will never know. I want my canoe to have a wonderful journey. I want it to go all around the world and see more people than I will ever see. I hope that everyone who sees this will take the time to read this and log it in on the website. I hope that many people take the time to put the code in so i can see where my canoe has been, and where it is! I hope my canoe sees so many more animals than I will ever see. Please help my Paddle to the Sea!
Dec 22, 2024
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2 Total Sightings

Date Found Found By Notes
View Sep 17, 2021
View Sep 16, 2021 Kyle Found in the lowland behind our house. Must have got there from a previous flood onto the lowland.