My paddle to the sea will make it to the USA/Canadian border. HeՉll feel animals scraping alongside him. HeՉll see a beaver cut down a tree with his teeth. HeՉll hear bears fighting. HeՉll taste gross water. HeՉll touch a ton of logs. HeՉll probably get stuck somewhere. If he does I want him to get stuck in a huge beaver dam or a tree trunk. I hope itՉs somewhere in Grand Forks. ThatՉs where my aunt went to college. I hope one day that my canoe will reach the sea. I hope someone will find my paddle. The reason I want my paddle to go to the USA/Canada border is because I have always wanted to go there. One day when IՉm older I am going to Canada. I loved Canada because it was the second largest country. My aunt went to college with a Canadian. My basketball number is 2, that is why I like Canada because Canada is the second largest country in the world, that is the story of the paddle to the sea for me.