I want my canoe to go to Paris! On the journey there Gracey [The canoe] ran into a group of canoers in Hawley and they carried Gracey back to the river. And she set of again. She saw many things like swans gliding silently and swiftly through the water. And squirrels chattering and looking for nuts. She made it to Hudson Bay ! And a HUGE ship appeared right in front of her! With water flowing from the sides. She got caught in the waves and tipped. Everything went dark. She opened her eyes and blinked. There was a little girl was holding her! She panicked. What if she did not let me go? What if I donՉt go back to the sea? But then an adult came and said. What is this? And he took Her away from the little girlՉs hands. And back in the water she went. And Gracey traveled and traveled and traveled all the way through the sea. Where the waves were big and scary. Gracey felt something rubbery and it chipped and what a sight it was it was a dolphin! It nudged itՉs nose to the back of the canoe. And Gracey was of faster than ever before! And then Gracey was in a big city. With people canoeing thru the water like it was theirs. One time one almost ran into GraceyՉ»Չ».. But yet Gracey knew where she wasՉ»Չ» The place she wanted to be! IN PARIS!!!!!!!!!