Canoe 18RD0346

My canoe Mandle will sail across the long rivers and vast lakes. He will see many new and great things. He will see a variety of animals. He will have great adventures. I hope he can make it all the way to Iceland and Greenland. I hope many people will see him read his number and put him back in the water so he can sail the river and be one with the wind and the water. So he can be free. I wish that I can go on the same adventures he has someday. And I want him to meet many new people and wildlife creatures. So I wrote this so people know this little guy is going to be great. Mandle will also see many different cultures and see many new and strange things. He will have an extraordinary quest with lots of challenges that that I am confident he will overcome. He will see a magnificent deer with great horns. It will put Mandle in a better place in a river or lake. I hope Mandle will never forget me,my friends,Crookston, and where I put him in. I hope he has the adventure of a lifetime.
Dec 22, 2024
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View May 25, 2018 Tj