OzzieՉs Story -
My name is Ozzie, and this is my story. I will start in Crookston, Minnesota at Central Park and get launched into the Red Lake River basin.
Now after three days I arrived to Fisher. I saw some deer, and turkey.
Well after Fisher was Grand Forks and a huge log was in the way. Ouch, it hit me, the log left a dent in my bow. I saw some deer, and some ducks.
After sixteen days, I arrive at the United States/Canadian border. I saw the border patrol, I also saw the water being drank by deer.
Twenty two days later, I arrived in Winnipeg and IՉm now in Lake Winnipeg. I saw ducks, deer, some fish, and otters. Ouch, I hit a rock and tipped over, ouch I hit another rock, it tipped me back over right side up. Wow what a great view of Lake Winnipeg. I see a man and he picked me up and went to my website and read about me. Then he brought me to Nelson River and put me in to the water. After that I saw a boat in the water it was bigger than me. The boat had all kinds of colors on it. BAM I hit the boat and it hurt.
Ten days later I arrived in Hudson Bay and I got stuck in the ice but was freed by a polar bear.
About a one month later, I arrive in Hudson Strait then to the Labrador Sea and onto the Atlantic Ocean.
While in the Atlantic Ocean, I saw a otter swimming in the big ocean. Then I saw a BIG big big ship twenty feet taller than me. What does the inside of a big boat look like I thought? Then all of the sudden there was a person that picked me up and brought me up on the big ship. The conducer said all aboard and there was a musician there and then the boat was on its way. The boat was awesome and thatՉs where his journey ended as the crew took care of him.