Canoe 18RD0587

I think my canoe is going to get found. I think my canoe is going to reach Hudson Bay. I think it is going to be seen by a polar bear. I think it is going to see lots of birds. I think it is going to see a beluga whale. I think it is going to see a fox. I think it will go through lots and lots of rapids.
Dec 22, 2024
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1 Total Sightings

Date Found Found By Notes
View Jun 5, 2018 Mrs. Rath, Sam, and Isaac" 383,-96.18134379,48.10063566,6/5 We found your canoe, Johnny!! It was washed up on shore, and the only reason we saw it was because of its bright red color! Way to go - great thinking! Sam rescued it and set it free in the river, just past Oakland Park. We paddled with it for awhile, and it was well on its way, down the middle of the river, with no signs of slowing down or getting caught.