Canoe 18RD0901

My Journey Hi! My name is Paddle to the Sea. As soon as I hit the water of the Sand Hill River I was off on my journey. The first ten miles of my journey were as calm as the ocean. On my way to the Red River I saw a posse of wolves. They were feasting on a dead deer. A cougar tried to get a wolf pup for its dinner, but the wolf pack protected the pups. The common loon was coming home from the winter freeze, They looked happy to be home. I got stuck in the ice when the next winter came, but luckily for me, a man who was gathering maple sap to make maple syrup helped me on my way. He moved me to where the water was slushy. I moved as fast as the flash, The journey was almost over As I flowed into Hudson Bay. The fish leaped so high, it was like they were flying! My journey has been complete! Now I can travel the world.
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