My Journey to the Sea
I hope when I go in the Sand Hill River,
I will not go upside
down in the water, but if I do, I hope
someone will put me how I
am supposed to be.
I hope when I hit Beltrami I will
See a deer sprinting like a fish darting in the sea.
I hope when I hit Maple Creek
I will see a lot of deer prancing in the middle of the woods
with their babies by their sides.
I hope when it is spring
I will see the buds on the
trees and the fish swimming
below me.
I will be able to feel their scaly skin like an alligator skin.
I hope when I hit the confluence, I will
see people playing in the water
and I'll feel the fishՉs scales
on the bottom of my sail.
I wish I had seen my owner when I
passed by the confluence, but I didn't
so I had to move on with the stream.
One day I hit the shore and a man
and his daughter found me and it
was winter so they took me with
them to their cottage and put me on a shelf.
Then when it was summer
they put me back into
the sea so I could continue
my adventure to the Sea.
Then I got to the ocean and I found
many objects hit the bottom
of my float and I think
I felt a shark, it felt as smooth as the water on a calm day.
I am Paddle to the Sea.