Canoe 16MCC029

I hope the day I get launched, I have a wonderful journey, here is my story. Today I am cold very cold. I am sitting on a snowbank. Waiting for spring to arrive. 2 months later. The snow finally melted! IՉ€™m now going down the Red River! Ouch, I just hit a rock! Wow; these rapids hurt! 2 days later. Today has not been very exciting! A beaver just grabbed me with his very sharp teeth! Oh no I am sitting on a lot of logs and sticks! 1 month later. Wee;I finally reached Lake Winnipeg! Oh no; I just ran into seaweed! Help! WhoՉ€™s that? Something just picked me up! 1 hour later. What is this? ItՉ€™s cold! Someone is putting color all over me! 1 month later. That thing finally put me back in Lake Winnipeg! I can finally make my journey! Blubb! What? Help! What is that? Oh, no a turtle! After a couple of hours he finally dropped me! Looks like I am now going down the Nelson River! I am finally going down the rapids smoothly! 1 month later. Ohh no, fall is arriving, itՉ€™s getting colder! BRR! WInter has arrived!! Oh no IՉ€™m Stuck! Ahh! Help! 8 months later. Spring came once again! I will soon arrive at Hudson Bay! Wow, I just hit a shrub! IՉ€™m Stuck! A leech got on me! Stop you are drowning me! I just reached Niagara Falls! IՉ€™m getting really dizzy! 1 week later. I finally got out of Niagara Falls. 2 hours later. I just arrived to a lock and dam. Honk, Honk! That boat just popped my ears! I week later. I finally reached Hudson Bay! My dream came true.
Dec 22, 2024
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1 Total Sightings

Date Found Found By Notes
View Apr 19, 2016 Wayne Goeken I found this canoe while I was kayaking. I released it back into the Middle River at 250th Ave NW--the road just downstream of Old Mill State Park. I hope all your dreams come true, little canoe!