Canoe 19RD0250

I let my canoe go in the Red Lake River near Red Lake Falls, MN- USA. My canoe will get stuck in a beaver dam on the way and they'll use it to build with. Then, a big flood will free my canoe. During it's travels, it will go through Lake Winnipeg and a bald eagle will pick it up and another eagle will want it and they will fight over it and drop it back into the water. It will leave Hudson Bay into the ocean. It will get eaten by a whale, but the whale would come up for air and blow my canoe out!!! It'll go to the UK and almost get broken by an orca whale. It'll get stuck on a fishing net on a big boat. The boat will go to Mexico and tey will then notice the canoe and throw it back because they think it's ugly. It has a hole now so it sinks to the bottom of the Ocean. A scuba diver will find it and bring it to his house. He'll fix it and my canoe will keep traveling around the world.
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