Canoe 19RD0349

Hi, my name is Alexa not the electectronic helper or voice. IՉ€™m on journey to Hudson Bay on my canoe with Hailey to see my Godparents, uncle Chad and aunt Leah. IՉ€™m using the Red River, after all I live in East Grand Forks. It started out fantastic! I brought a book, my favorite book, Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase. ItՉ€™s a long journey to Canada, mom and dad donՉ€™t what to pay $2000 just to get in Canada, my dad said Չ€˜Չ€™Alexa, you and Hailey are going to use the Red River and using your canoe, if a Canadian asks if your from America say no otherwise run!!!!!Չ€™Չ€™ Now letՉ€™s begin the story Hailey and I started to load up the canoe The river was high! The bridge was closed. Hailey had to climb up the barrier wall. Sorley Bridge was closed it was the only bridge. That we live by, we can not use Point bridge!ItՉ€™s too far from our house and itՉ€™s a very long. Walk to Point bridge, itՉ€™s going to be fine ride To Canada, what could go wrong?We loaded up the canoe Hailey went in. First then I went in but I fell in the water Hailey didnՉ€™t help me because she was on her Tablet playing Minecraft at Չ€˜Չ€™Super Mario CityՉ€™Չ€™I was soaking wet good thing mom packed fresh towels. Hailey is no help this days but we still canՉ€™t blame Hailey thatՉ€™s one thing to know about her Just two days until we will be in the Hudson BayՉ€˜Չ€™Hailey! Do you want to play I spy?Չ€™Չ€™Three hours later. Չ€˜Չ€™Hailey! Bed.Չ€™Չ€™ I said Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz As it the moon rises high in the sky more stars appeared As dawn come to the very next it started to rain. With thunder clouds high in the sky We started to look for a turtle that will be named Jerold if itՉ€™s a female she will be named Lucky. I found a duck with a wishfish in itՉ€™s mouth. Now we are in the Hudson Bay, Canada. We saw bears, bigfoot footprints, wolves that tried to eatHailey, toads(they were old), and lots of smelly, old fish.
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