Canoe 19RD0350

I hope that my canoe makes it to the Atlantic Ocean meets birds and greets fishՉ€»Չ€»Չ€»Չ€»Չ€»Չ€»Չ€».I hope that my canoe sees a fox in Canada and the fox follows him 56 miles then bites him in half and carries him into the foxՉ€™s lovey den. His cubs leave scratches on the part remaining until little is left. The fox pushed him back into the sea. My canoe will see fireworks on the Fourth of July. Bright lights on Christmas. Turkeys on Thanksgiving. A packed Church on Easter Sunday with the rejoicing of Jesus ChristՉ€™s Resurrection. Sorrow faces in Lent. Pink and purple candles and the dancing in flames knowing that something good was going to happen in Advent. For three years he saw this. Then he sees people swimming when the water but, is too cold, or is it? He checked the temperature, it was so hot! Nearing the end of his journey he set his smiling face on. The next day he reached destination. He sank in the deep blue warm Atlantic Ocean. He Paddled to the Sea.
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