Canoe 19RD0356

Plop! A little boy plucked a small canoe out of Lake Winnipeg. Չ€œHey dad, look at this!Չ€ the little boy said. The boys father had just caught a huge walleye while fishing. Չ€œOhՉ€»..when did ya find that?Չ€ asked the dad. Չ€œJust now!Չ€ the boy replied. Չ€œIt says to go to some sort of website and then put it back in the water.Չ€ By the time the boy had finished talking, his dad seemed to have already found the website. Չ€œGot it!!Չ€ The boys dad yelled. The two of them wrote a short story about the canoe and then, of course they put it back in the water.
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