Canoe 19RD0911

My canoe will start in the Sheyenne River and slowly make its way to the mouth of West Fargo. When he gets launched down the Sheyenne River, he will go right down the stream. The farther he gets they more he is going to see. Then when he got close to the mouth of the Sheyenne River he was scared because there was a dam he had to go down. When a wave came and pushed him, he was scared. He has never been that scared of dying in his life. When he survived that crazy incident than he got back on the stream. A few days later he was already was at the Red River. A few days after that he was found by Hudson Bay.Then he went to bed and woke up stuck on lake Winnipeg. That day some Canadians found him stuck in a pile of branches and leaves and they saved and brought him in their house and that is how he finished his journey
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