The Canoe of Dreams
By: 19rd0737
I want My canoe to see and meet many nice people and animals. My canoe will see waterfalls, sunsets, and many (many) beautiful trees and flowers.
It will adventure to the great lake Michigan. It will meet all the fish and birds that live under and over lake Michigan and see all the big boats (it will hopefully survive the boats).
My canoe holds all my dreams and wishes in it and it can hold yours too, just whisper your dreams and wishes in to it (make sure no one is near you or else your wish will not come true)once you have told it your wish put it back in the water and one day when it gets to lake Michigan it will come true. :)
(Ps if you found my canoe you and you live near lake Michigan you can still make your wish and thank you for helping my canoe along the way)