Canoe 19RD0750

My Canoe Story Canoe # 19RD0750 I was launched Thursday, May 23, 2019 at Central Park in Crookston, Minnesota. My name is Lia, by the way. It was very cold getting into the water, especially with all the waves. I saw lots of fish, deer, moose, frogs, bears, snakes, geese, spiders and, butterflies. After one year of flowing in the river, a man picked me up out of the water from his boat. When I got out of the water I was freezing cold. It looked like I was still in Minnesota, maybe I was in Pembina but I wasn't sure, as he looked like a Canadian lumberjack with a big beard and very tall. He put me back in the water after he saw my message saying I was meant to be in the water. Off I paddled. Seven months went by. My canoe friend, Daniyah, flowed right past me. Then another man picked me up, but why did he pick me up instead of her? He also saw that I was meant to be in the water when he went to the website, so he put me back in the Red River. Finally, I floated up to Daniyah again, we talked for awhile. There were big waves. I was wondering if it was a confluence which means where the Red Lake River meets the Red River. It was. The waves were enormous and so big that they covered me. Then I got stuck on some shore for five days. Then suddenlyՉ€» WHOOSH went the waves. Seven Months Later I heard a whale. It was really loud, like it was right next to me. Is that a polar bear?! I thought I would never see one. I must be in Hudson Bay. Six Years went by, I saw bright lights all over it looked like a firework show in the night sky. Չ€œHermosaՉ€ which means Չ€œbeautifulՉ€ is all that I heard from voices around me. IՉ€™m probably in Spain. Already I thought? I went this far in six years? Չ€œWowՉ€ I thought, I must have been sleeping for weeks. Չ€œHurrahՉ€ I called out loudly, but it seemed like no one could hear me. I was found when Rylee was looking at my profile to see where I was at. Then she saw I was in Spain. I'm not in Italy? Well I wish I was. Չ€œAwww manՉ€ I thought I was in Italy. But here I am in Spain and I will enjoy the beautiful scenery and people.
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