Osiris JaxՉs journey starts in the small town of Grand Forks, North Dakota. Osiris Jax was made out of a small log that washed up on the shore of the Red River, and it so happened that had a fascination for woodworking, and wanted to make a canoe. When got to her woodworking shop, she started to shape the log into the canoe. Days later after working long and hard hours on it, started to paint her canoe with the most beautiful floral design. She let the paint dry, then she let the canoe go on the Red River in the middle of summer 2019. Osiris Jax found himself floating along the shore of the Red River when suddenly he finds that a beaver is looking for wood to build a dam, and in that moment he started to get nervous when the beaver swim to him. The beaver looked around him and for some odd reason the beaver just let go of him and swam downstream. Osiris Jax bumped into a rock and got stuck in a tree root that was sticking out of the ground. There was a Northern Pike that was going along itՉs way and finds that there are two fisherman trying to catch fish by the shore, but have had no luck since Osiris Jax got stuck in the tree root.The Northern Pike saw the worm on the fishing line, but instead of going for the bait the Northern Pike ran into Osiris Jax and set him free. During the beautiful time of winter in the year 2021, and Osiris Jax was stuck in the snow on the bank of Lake Winnipeg where the water was frozen over and the snow was falling lightly. there was a silence in the air and then suddenly there was a movement by one of the tall snow mountains. It turns out that it was a polar bear cub that had just came out to get food. After the bear cub came out, there followed the mother cub. The mother started to sniff towards Osiris Jax and walked by it, and flipped it out of the snow with its paw and on the ice which covered the lake. Osiris Jax must have been in that same area for 6 months. The cold ice has melted along with all of the snow and the lake started to have itՉs movement back. The movement in the lake was still. Osiris Jax could still feel the cold spring breeze in the air, and hear all of the birds chirping by the trees. There was a gust of wind that pushed Osiris Jax. Then he had ended up with a family that loved the design so much that they took a picture of Osiris Jax and sent it all over the world. Then when the picture had gotten to phone and one of her friends had shared it with her in social media. After that she realised that it was the old, worn out canoe that she had made years ago. It had taken Osiris Jax 2 years to get from the Red River out to a house where a family lived in the cabin by the lake.