Canoe 19RD0539

My name is Eunoia. I was put into the Red River in Grand Forks, North Dakota. I had a long voyage across many places along the river. In the Red River of Grand Forks I went under a short bridge with numerous buildings surrounding it. It was cold at the time that I was placed into the water. The water wasnՉ€™t frozen yet, though. It didnՉ€™t last long being under that bridge, the current was super strong. I saw a strange animal swimming in the river. It had extended whiskers and a dirty grey and brown body. The eyes were very scary for they correspond with the shade of the figure. The unusual animal came to the surface of the water and tipped me over. It then started nipping at the wood of my canoe. When the animal ,which I soon found out was a catfish, realized I was too big to swallow, it left, leaving me with a big push forward towards Canada. A few months later, I was near Lake Winnipeg. I was in a forest with countless trees, it was very grassy. The water was very slow around here. It seemed to me that I had been on this part of the river for years. I was there for four months, not a year. I experienced another lurking animal. A beaver had taken me to use in his dam. At first, it examined me. Next, It picked me up and placed me with the rest of the wood sticks. I stayed there for 7 more months. The water froze completely and melted again. I saw multiple animals come by. A moose walked by the dam that I rested on. It paced by, minding its own business. When the water had melted, my voyage began again. The melted water pushed me out of the dam and I was headed north to Lake Winnipeg. It took another 2 months to get to Lake Winnipeg, but it went by like an hour. As soon as I got to my desired destination, I floated around for awhile. I floated all the way to shore. A little girl saw me and looked very interested. She picked me up and played with me in the water. When she was done she brought me with her into her car. I wondered where I must have been going. She brought me to her house where I sat on a shelf for 5 months. One odd day she decided to take me off the shelf. She set me in the water and whispered in my ear, Չ€œI hope to see you again.Չ€ I was sent off into the Hudson Bay where I hovered on the water for 6 months. I knew I needed to see the girl again and was determined to do just that. On the very last day of 6 months I was back on shore. I was at a different girlՉ€™s feet. She told me Չ€œWow, you made it here! From the Red River.Չ€
Dec 22, 2024
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View May 31, 2019 Greg
View May 31, 2019 Greg