Canoe 19RD0574

My canoeՉ€™s name is Spero, which is a latin word for hope. I Չ€œhopeՉ€ and believe that my canoe will make it to Lake Winnipeg. During my canoes journey it will experience lots of different challenges. The first big challenge it will face is that a bull elk (male elk), his wife and fawns pick up Spero and trample on him, it occurs near Pembina close to the border, but still in the USA. The problem is resolved when the elk gets bit by a catfish and drops my canoe; and is curious about what it is. The next significant problem happens when my canoe gets stuck from a fallen tree in the water. This happens on the river in Canada near Lake Winnipeg, but is resolved when a salmon nudges it out and helps it along the rest of the way because he is going down stream on the river to the lake anyway. My canoe will see lots of different habitats along the way and will encounter many different animals, some of those animals being a catfish, a salmon, elk, deer, and other fish and birds. It will pass forests, other streams and rivers that are tributaries to the Red River. It will also pass plains and grasslands. These habitats help my canoe on itՉ€™s journey by the current of the stream keeping my canoe stay on course during flood season. The fast current will also make my canoe get to its destination faster. The forest will protect some sunlight and animals, and the plains give him a great view of where he is going next. My canoe (Spero) will eventually make it to Lake Winnipeg, on a long 374 mile journey, which took approximately 1 year and 2 months. Its journey will stop by getting stuck by shore in between a rock, but while fishing someone will pick it up and give it to his or her grandson or granddaughter.
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