The Canoe was built many generations ago but yet it hasnՉt lived the life it wanted to. There it lay in an old shack covered in cobwebs and dust feeling useless. The canoe waited everyday looking outside from the window that was missing a piece of glass from a rock that was thrown from some reckless teenage kids in the woods hoping that one day his adventure would start. That dream would all come true when a little boy named Johnny moved into a small city called Grand Forks. Johnny is a bookworm and he will find any book that is about rivers in his hand reading it outside with the birds chirping in the background. One day 8 year old Johnny was sitting in geography learning about rivers and heard about the Red River. Johnny was so excited to hear there was a river flowing right where he lived. He ran home that day throwing his backpack and racing upstairs to find his rubber boots. His slipped the green boots that had a frog face on it and raced to the woods where the lonely canoe sat in a wooden shack hoping for the adventure it never had. Johnny entered the woods carefully listening to the water flowing ever so slightly in the distance. He was slowly walking making sure not to trip over fallen trees. Johnny probably walked in the woods for almost 15 minutes and still couldn't find the river. He was about to give up when he saw a shack. He slowly crept to the shack scared to see what was inside. Johnny quickly swung open the door expecting a wild bear but only to see a little canoe sitting on a shelf covered in cobwebs. The canoe finally found Johnny and Johnny found the canoe. Throughout the whole school year Johnny and the canoe went on wild adventures to find the river but yet they still didnՉt find it. The canoe has never felt so happy over the months they were together but he still wanted to see the river. School had ended and it was summer. Johnny and the canoe were on the same adventure but that changed after he took the wrong turn. They felt a little breeze but kept hearing the water getting louder and louder and soon enough they found the river. Johnny jumped in the river with the little canoe in his hand splashing and giggling with the canoe. All at once Johnny lost grip of the canoe and it went sailing down the river. Days to months passed by alone sailing in the river missing Johnny. Had the canoe really lost his friend? The canoe did not give up. The canoe traveled seeing hills that were in his dream when he was in the shack. The canoe made it all the way to Winnipeg still looking for his friend. It saw polar bears and snow for the first time. The canoe was about to give up when he saw a little kid that didnՉt look so little anymore in the horizon. Was it Johnny? It was!! The canoe tried to get his attention but Johnny didnՉt see him. The canoe sailed in the river knowing that Johnny was lost forever. The canoe felt a hand a hand that was Johnny's. They both looked at each other and just smiled. Together they were and their friendship was never split apart again.