My canoe will go to the ocean. One afternoon, there was a little canoe who got dropped in the Buffalo River. My canoe was ready for great adventures. The first place my canoe went was the big stream. There was a BIG fish trying to eat it. The canoe was to big. The canoe floated past a lot of goats, by the edge of the water. The canoe past a lot of buildings. And kids playing in the stream. The little canoe past beavers, birds, eagles, and a lot of fish. My canoe was very excited. My canoe went down all kinds of waters steady, rocky, rapids, cold, and still. There was a boy who found the canoe. He was a very nice boy. He took him home and repainted him and recarved. Then the boy put him back in the water. Then he finally came to the ocean and was fearless to the adventures ahead.