My dream for my canoe is for it to be found by other kids, or anybody really. I would like it to go to the hudson bay from the Red River, hoping the fishes won't mess with it. If they do, I hope they get eaten. But besides that, my boat would screw around, maybye get into the ocean, land in Australia, and it would just be there for the rest of it's days. But realisticly, I hope it just makes it to Hudson Bay, and does'nt bail out on my dream. If it does, I will be proud. If it does not, I might just forget about all of it in the first place and move on. But it really did make me wonder If someone will find that boat, and what would they do with it? Who knows? It might be famous. Probably not. Right? The journey itself was wonderful, dodging logs, and bears, and The S.S Zoomie Zoom will live in glory to this day on forward. Or not, who knows?