Canoe 20RD0399

The dream for my boat is to go to Hudson bay and beyond, I hope I see all sorts of animals. Ranging from small to huge, anything from frogs, to mose. I hope my boat is discovered by the canadian people all along the river. I visualize my boat being picked up in the remote lands towards north canada. I hope that I make someone's day with my little canoe, after all it's not everyday you see a small canoe that traveled all the way across Canada and the northern United States. My plans after hudson bay is greenland, if my canoe makes it to greenland, I will call this a success, not everyday in greenland someone sees a canoe that traveled nearly 2 thousand miles through remote forests and raging storms and through the atlantic ocean just to be picked up by someone, all I want at least, is my canoe to come in contact with someone.
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