In early May, Nate Denofre and Don Jokinen will embark on an epic adventure Չ they will canoe the entire Mississippi River, from start to finish. Denofre is a double amputee and CEO of Courage Incorporated. Jokinen served in the Army Engineers in Iraq and is a 100% combat-disabled Veteran. The trip will last 100 nights across 2,500+ miles from Lake Itsaca, Minn. to the Gulf of Mexico.
ՉOur biggest goal is to accomplish the fact that Չwhat one person can do, another can do,ՉՉ says Denofre. ՉThe only disability is in our hearts and the biggest disability is fear.Չ
Asher, IWI staff, crossed paths with Nate and Don toward the beginning of their voyage down the Mississippi. They allowed two ROD canoes to join them on their journey.
Follow their adventure at: