Canoe 20RD0701

My dream for my canoe from the canoes perspective!: I am sitting on the banks of the river on the south end of East Grand Forks. It. Is a sunny, warm, and breezy afternoon. The sun is hot and warming up my face as I am ready to be launched into the deep and adventures river. I donթ§Չ‚-Չ„§t want to be thrown off of a bridge or rushed into the water, I want to be gently pushed along the banks into the warm and flowing water. Iթ§Չ‚-Չ„§m off! I am set on a new adventure. What will I see on my journey? Who knows! The adventure awaits me. I am good stamina, and I am ready for the challenge of making it all the way to Canada. I hope someone spots me along the way, maybe a nice fisherman, children playing pirates along the banks, or even a community member walking their dog. I wanted to be tracked in the River of Dreams website so my owner can stay updated with where I am and not worry about me on my journey. I also hope to see many animals and new plants on my trip! I have never seen a moose before, so I hope to run into one along the way. I will see many fish in the waters that I am traveling through. I hope none of them think I am a tasty snack, that would be dangerous! I am so excited for this adventure ahead and cannot wait to share it with you all when I return!
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