Canoe 20RD1222

Once upon a AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!Plink few that was a close one uh oh AHHHHHHHHHH ka th th pa stupid water.Oh hi im paddle to the sea and im with these cups with faces I have never seen such a abomanotaion hey we hear you. What I havenՉ€™t seen such a thing.Well we havenՉ€™t seen an uglier boat than you. Legend has it I am a part of the paddle to the nobody cares tribe. Uh I care oh sorry the cups were just making fun of me oh yeah how bout you stop being a big baby I will sink this canoe if you guys make fun of me one more time.ok sorry big baby.THAT'S IT I start to rock the canoe I was very tired so I wasn't able to flip the canoe.A few days later p.s im still with these idiots.Well if I canՉ€™t get an autograph I will just have to leave. DonՉ€™t you do it and heՉ€™s gone.Finally im gone now I donՉ€™t have to listen to those jerks. Oooh land so I went to the land.I saw a JUICE WITH A SPOON IN IT.Why is everything wired in this world.I guess go check it out.Are you the people that the cups keep on talking about.How do you know that?Cause I worked with them for a while.Oh. What's that sound?beep beep BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And then one of the human beings pencils stabbed one of the spoon juices hearts.uu I ccanՉ€™t bbelieve that yyou kkilled me.I didnՉ€™t want to be a part of this so I paddled as fast as I can .The cups.Hmm what's this paper say HELP WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE PADDLE TO THE SEA RESON KILLED A SPOON JUICE REWARD NOTHING cause does it look like we care.What that big baby actually killed a spoon juice guess heՉ€™s not so bad after all.Yea one i'm mean it's like a whole city compared to us.Back to paddle.Im definitely going to die today like how am I going to survive Niagara falls.TO BE CONTINUED.Will he survive you can find out in the next book.
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