My name is Dot. Myay to Paris.My owner Izzy will meat me there.I want to see plenty of fish and one will be named Gilbert.I will also see some jellyfish one will be name Jelly.I hope my owners aunt will pick me up and take me on a journey to Paris.When i make it to Paris I will stay with my owner Izzy for a couple of weeks until she leaves and puts me back in a body of water.Then i will see a monkey climbing a tree and i will laugh.Im going see tons of families and I will enjoy my time with them.I will visit Mexico and have tons of fun.After going to Mexico I will visit Bemidji.I will visit my ownerՉs Uncle Bow and have so much fun with him.On my journey to Alaska I Will see a white polar bear named Paddington.I will go to New Jersey and see big towns and a big eagle named Ellie journey will be crazy.I want to make it all the