I would like to get to Hudson Bay.
I would like to see polar bears and beautiful fish.
I hope I get found and continue my beautiful journey.
I would like to make it past Grand Forks.
If I donՉt thatՉs OK there are plenty more amazing things to happen.
I would love to feel the current on me.
I will go through scares and amazement.
Whatever I go through I will get through it.
I hope I see a sunflower just like the sun!
I feel scared But IՉm also excited to go on this Journey.
Oh yeah!
I am on my way to Hudson Bay.
Oh look thereՉs a butterfly.
I hear the ducks quacking around me.
I smell the fresh air.
Wow, thatՉs amazing to me.
Right through Beltrami.
The next right to Climax thatՉs amazing.
I canՉt believe IՉm this far already I want to keep moving.
IՉm so happy to see these amazing things.
I just got a taste of the water. It's as beautiful as me this canՉt be.
IՉm floating and I feel I see deer.
They are so pretty there is a bear wow!
IՉm going to Grand Forks.
This place is so beautiful I wish I could stay but I have to continue my journey.
Next is Winnipeg I canՉt believe IՉm here already
I canՉt wait to get to Hudson Bay!
All the amazing things I will see I canՉt wait for. I'm so happy!!
I just saw some beautiful birds as beautiful as me.
A butterfly fly above me.
ThereՉs some fish too.
I made it to Hudson Bay!!! WOW!!!!!
Paddle! Paddle to the sea thatՉs me.