Canoe 21RD0290

Once there was a canoe named Mr. Flower Man, and it is on a quest to reach The Hudson Bay. The canoe started its journey in Fargo, North Dakota on the Red River of the North. Mr. Flower ManՉ€™s desire is to reach Winnipeg and flow all the way to Hudson Bay. Mr. Flower Man was put into the river on a very calm, quiet, warm day with birds chirping and the water flowing calmly while passing a corn field. Mr. Flower Man was peacefully bobbing up and down as the warm breeze blew against the canoe with suckerfish and moon eyeՉ€™s following behind it. The warm breeze began to transform into a cold wind. The noisy wind began to separate Mr. Flower Man away from all the other canoeՉ€™s and leading the canoe to Grand Forks and onto a different path. While Mr. Flower Man was bobbing up and down in the Red River, something stopped the canoe. It was a beaverՉ€™s dam! The beaverՉ€™s dam was blocking Mr. Flower ManՉ€™s way of getting to Winnipeg! Mr. Flower Man was stuck for weeks until a big storm came to wash him away from the dam, moving the canoe out of Grand Forks and into Winnipeg. There were cold and roaring winds, these winds made the Chokeberry and Oak treeՉ€™s rock back and forth. Rain began to fall rapidly from the sky, soaking Mr. Flower Man. The fast winds moved Mr. Flower Man faster. As Mr. Flower Man was moving fast with the quick moving winds, there was a tree that had fallen right behind the canoe, almost trapping Mr. Flower ManՉ€™s and stopping his journey.
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