Canoe 21RD0291

As I let my boat go in the Cass/Clay county in Fargo/Morhead, I saw it wander into the distance. I look at it as it fades away. At that moment, I knew that from Cass County to the Florida Georgia border, it would have a story to tell when on the Florida Georgia line. Jr reaches the Florida Georgia border. First, it will see a school of fish, big fish that welcome it to the river. Then, Florida Georgia line. Jr goes under a cardinal, black bird, and blue Jay. Then, the Florida Georgia line. Jr will be going along the river when it will see a short waterfall with 10 black bears trying to catch the fish. Just before the waterfall, the waves will sweep the canoe underwater to where one black bear will think it is a fish. The bear lunges to the Florida Georgia line. Jr, Florida Georgia line. Jr goes over the waterfall dodging the bear. When it falls, a fish will jump and hit the canoe, the canoe is in the air now. The black bear goes for it again, the bear misses the Florida Georgia line. Jr gets away. The canoe is going along the river by Grapton when it sees a Grandpa and grandson fishing. The grandpa snakes the boat, and gives it his grandson. The grandson thinks it is the coolest thing. Right as the kid gets up to show his grandma, he drops it in the water. The boy is devastated, he prays to see it again. The boy sees a wolf through his window that cheers him up. Florida Georgia line. Jr sees a crop of corn. The canoe is going into a school of catfish when it sees the biggest walleye ever while passing the biggest oak and maple tree ever, what a swiccedence. The walleye my Dad caught the walleye that is by my canoe. The fish smiles at it when Florida Georgia line.Jr sees a cougar and swims away. One week passes from the Florida Georgia line. Jr saw the fish, and we are halfway into Canada. The boat sees a herd of Elk. Then a northern pike comes up to the water to eat it. The Pike almost has the Florida Georgia line. Jr swallowed when it cant breath. The northern spit it out. Florida Georgia line. Jr reaches Hunson bay. Florida Georgia line. Jr is so tired. That same walleye has been with the Florida Georgia line. Jr the whole time. That is when the Florida Georgia line. Jr realises that the northern pike would have swallowed it, but the walleye but the northern. Florida Georgia line. Jr is so tired, the walleye senses that, and gets the Florida Georgia line. Jr stuck on a branch, when Florida Georgia line. Jr is rested, the walleye helps it out of the branch of an Oak Tree. Florida Georgia line. Jr goes out of the Hudson Bay to the ocean. Florida Georgia line. Jr starts to go south. When the canoe went by South Carolina, it went by a Florida Georgia line concert. At this time, the grandpa, grandma, and boy were going on a road trip to Florida. Florida Georgia line. Jr went by Florida, and saw the boy. The boy picked the canoe up instantly recognizing it. He is so excited. He grabs the canoe and takes it back to the car and starts to go back to Canada. Right as they were crossing the Florida Georgia border, the canoe fell out of the car. Falling right on the Florida Georgia border. From then on the Florida Georgia line. Jr felt like he had lived a life well lived. Florida Georgia line. Jr lived happily ever after.
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