Canoe 21RD0305

My canoe's name is Princess Andromeda (do you know what the name is from). My hope is for my canoe to reach the Hudson bay. When I release my canoe into the river from Fargo it will be a partially cloudy day and it will immediately zip down the water. It will go past beaver dams and fallen oak trees that have their branches dipping in the water. My canoe will make it past Cass and Clay County with no problem except for bad weather here and there and getting stuck in a branch for a week. The leaves on the trees started turning orange and red and Princess Andromeda was sailing next to beautiful trees. One day after it tumbled over a mini waterfall it was just floating down and no later than 5 minutes after Princess Andromeda is picked up by a dog who is swimming in the river. The dog has mistaken Princess Andromeda as the stick that his owner has thrown for him. When the dog brings it back to his owner the owner looks at it and thinks Չ€œI am going to help this boat on its wayՉ€ and drives from his city Grand Forks to Walsh county because he was going to see his mom there anyway. When the man and his dog arrive they immediately go down to the river and put the canoe in the water. After only 2 days of Princess Andromeda being back in the water the river starts to freeze. Princess Andromeda stays frozen the whole winter but as soon as the ice starts to melt princess Andromeda is on its way again. Princess Andromeda sails for weeks with no bad stops except for getting caught in branches for a couple of days. When my canoe is sailing along it will go past ducks sitting next to a crop of potatoes up on the bank of the river. Along my canoe's great journey to Hudson bay it is carried along by catfish and bullheads. My canoe gets into Canada and goes past a moose next to great big box elder trees. My canoe will get stuck in the mud for 3 months until finally it is wiggled free and again my canoe goes past trees with leaves turning red and orange. A loon is curious about Princess Andromeda and swims over to my canoe and is not interested and flys away. My canoe will go past Northern flying squirrels playing in the trees. Princess Andromeda swims along moon eyes for 5 days before the river freezes my canoe into the river again. When my canoe is frozen a fluffle of snowshoe hares run across the frozen river to the other side. The water unfreezes and within weeks zips pass Selkirk and Thampson. Princess Andromeda is caught by a fisherman and brought home to show his wife and then he puts Princess Andromeda back into the water 1 month later and it finally reaches Hudson Bay and my canoe has finally completed its long journey.
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