Canoe 21RD0308

My canoe's name is the advertizer, I have many hopes and dreams for where it will go. I am wishing that my canoe will go to many places. My canoe will start in Fargo in May and it will carry on towards the murky water of the Grand forks area, passing by big trees and seeing all different kinds of fish and birds. I hope it will go even further down north flowing through the cold waters in the night of winnipeg and passing by coyotes and squirrels prowling along the night sky. I can see my canoe riding along the shallows of lake winnipeg seeing blue jays and bald eagles in the blue sky above. I hope my canoe will see all different kinds of crops including corn. The advertiser will go past counties such as Norman and Marshall and after a long day in the sun it will cruise into the inner part of Canada coming up Hudson Bay. When the advertiser reaches his dream destination he will go by many different animals native to the lake like arctic char, whitefish, and capelin and big oak and spruce trees. The advertiser will see right and left, carp and catfish and shortly after he will see dolphins and walrus. The next day after flowing in the lake it will get picked up by a kid and his dad that were out on the lake fishing on their boat. The kid picks it up and starts reading the labels, he sees the sign that gives the directions to what to do when you pick it up and starts talking to his dad about it. He suggests that they report it to the company that holds my canoe and the father agrees to it. They bring it home and report it and then let it loose back on to the lake and let it ride into the sun hopefully reaching other parts of the world.
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