My canoeՉs name is Revenant. I have hopes and dreams for my canoe once I launch it. When I launch it it will be a hot warm sunny day without a single cloud in the sky and I hope to wave it on its merry way through the Red to lake Winnipeg then Hudson bay and finally to its destination the waters of iceland. My canoe will have a very relaxed joury with a few speed bumps. My canoe will start in Cass county Fargo where it will see a Catfish frolicing in the air. As it makes its treacherous journey it will eventually make it to Grand Forks where it will come to a stop in a run-off and get stuck in a Corn field with it being as dry as a doorknob. After 2 weeks the Revenant will see big Nimbus with it stretching for a 1000 miles and eventually it begins to sprinkle then rain the poor water on the ground allows him to paddle back to the Red River. As he gets back on course he sees a beautiful blue bird. After a long haul of the fall/summer season It sees a robin. It then makes it to Lake Winnipeg, but he was too early as he made his way through the lake he was trapped in a layer of ice where It would stay for weeks. Until eventually it is ice fishing season and a fisherman sees a little canoe and decides to take it home to his wife where it serves as a paper weight until the ice melts where the lady lets it back into the water where it will make it to Nelson and will see a Lake Sturgeon. Soon it makes it to the Hudson bay where it will see a Candian Maple and it will get stuck in a layer of sheet ice. After 3 YEARS eventually it will make it out due to the polar bear swiping it out where it will go across the great North Atlantic Ocean where it will see a Goblin Shark. As it makes its way to Iceland it will see a brich tree on the coast. Where it will finally be found by a french family and will be well taken care of and one day will be sent on another journey on another day.