Canoe 23RD1641

I want my canoe to go to China. On the way to China, it will see a bear, otters and a big boat. I would like to go to an island. On the island there I will see monkeys, a big cave, and crabs. When I reach the island I will be picked up by a little boy. He will look at me and admire my paint, then put me back for the rest of my journey. After he puts me back in the water I will see dolphins, a big whale, and a shark. I will travel to the island, but this island has alligators. The alligators were so big and scary. I hoped they didn ??t come over to eat me. They would get really close to me, but they left me alone. Thank goodness those alligators left me alone, and that means I get to continue my journey on. As I was sailing on, I hoped to go by a city. After a few days sailing, I finally arrived close to one. The city was the biggest I have ever seen. There were so many skyscrapers and big buildings. At night, when it was all lit up, you could really see how tall the buildings were. I took a stop at the city and saw the coolest things there. I saw a lot of people walking around. They looked very happy, and I also saw many cars driving. I wonder what it would be like in a car. If I had a car I would love to have a super fancy car, maybe a lamborghini or a corvette. What kind of car would you have?I
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