Hi my name is console and I really want to make it to england because I want to meet the royal family. And I'm heading through Hillsboro goose river and then Grand Forks and.The Winnipeg lake and the Nelson River then the Atlantic Ocean.I know it's a long journey but it ??s my dream to make it to england and if I make it there.And if i go off course if you find me not.At england please send me back at sea and i would like to see some fish and sharks and I really want to see the the north pole if i make.It to england send me out to the sea to the north pole.But i don't think anyone will find me and that will be the end of my journey if I head to the north pole.So don't send me there send me to usa and i'm pretty sure that. A turtle came swimming to Great Britain but then the turtle went into the road and got run over by the waves. And i started making my way but the wind to me and I started going off trail and I got really mad but then the wind go back on trail and I met some really cool animals let me tell you what I saw a shark it ate a few fish and it was pretty disturbing then I saw a fish it was a catfish I think and I kinda went to antarctica but don't. Be mad even though I told you I won't head to Antarctica but the wind made me go there please don't be mad. The wind took me to Antarctica so you can ??t blame me. Oh, you want to meet some of my friends, ok one is named Snow and he is a boy. And Sparks he is my best friend and Fireball he likes football and just so you know. I really HATE math. I hate math so much that if you teach me math I will really want to go back in the water and leave a math problem on me. Kids will like to grab me for it. Firewood and I won't like that because that will become painful for me. So pretty please don ??t put a math problem because as you know I hate math. And I don't care if you play video games. Sure that you make stickman out of wood and glue them to me and if they fall of don ??t try and if you keep trying just stop you putted to much just put me back and don't look at me and just throw me back in the water a few weeks later ok so I seen some stuff like a huge ship and it was like massive like bigger then.wait why are saying that boats like i'm talking about like I know that there bigger than us but i'm thinner than that boat but you can ??t be complaining that im making things up that i'm tiny but im am trust me i am tiny please believe me I am tiny!!!!!! Ok about that I'm sorry but if you don ??t know what size I am.Then how did you find my code to know my story oh your friend told you oh sorry for overreacting to give me oh. You want to know more about my friend one is named Kammy she is a girl and one is named Hunker i think but I don ??t remember one is named c like the letter c yeah I know that crazy.But i don't complain because i like all their names because.There all my friends again you want to know more of my friends names ok one is named Star its. A she, okenough , let's head back to my journey and stop asking questions about my friends ok so I went to Boston and I saw some cool stuff like some basketball players and I went to a basketball game. With a basketball fan and I really liked the basketball game and we went to a hotel and went to the pool and we swam it was really fun