Canoe 23RD1646

But then he put me back in the water. But I wanted to make it to England but then I went to Fargo and I saw some people and I landed on the shore and some person came and picked me up hey. Could you stop interrupting me please so I can finish my story anyways let me finish the story please ok then we went on a fun ride in a waterpark and we eat some cotton candy some chips wait why are you asking.Me that i can eat just ignore that fact and let me finish my story ok thank you so then a thunderstorm came and knocked me off course and made stranded on a island. And I was completely stuck on the island. It was getting really cold in the rain but then I saw a ship they landed on the island and they found me! And they put on the ship and. I was in the captain deck. It was really cool and then we went across the ocean but then the boat sank but I could continue my journey then I saw the harbor of England but the wind made it. I Went away from the harbor and my journey was back to a new island and I was stuck there. I know it was winter and it was freezing. I had no shelter, no jacket, just a single wood stick man to keep me company. Came and picked me up and then my journey continued! And we went fishing, we eated some snacks and then we went back home and we watched some videos on youtube and the videos were. Really cool and then we went to the supermarket and we bought some ramen and we cooked the ramen and eated it it was a long time before i went back on my journey and then I went to the harbor of america and i was at north dakota i saw so many new people they. It Looked nice because they were all having fun at a small park but then I left the harbor and sailed off to the ocean again and now I'm in New Mexico. It was steaming hot. There, I saw a store that had loads of water and it looked like it was frozen and then I didn't want to be there so I left there then I was in japan. It was really cool so many people and somebody picked me up. We went and explored all of Japan. We read some books then we went to a lab I saw so many lab stuff and it was really cool and stuff anyways we did some research on how to cure diabetes it was a home made lab but he had some crazy tech on how to cure diabetes and we worked intel 12:00 pm and we were. Tired and then he put me back in the sea and I had to make my journey long and wide so I went across the ocean to make to a jungle and i don ??t know why i ended up there but it was worth it but then the wind picked up and I was stranded there and no one came to the island and.I was all alone there it was very cold there and there was thunder storms there then the wind picked up and I was launched in to the sea back on my journey and I was sailing across the open sea and I was back on track until I was pushed back the other way. And it was to Russia and now I was stuck on the shore of Russia but I have continued my journey to get to England and so I sat there for days and.The bottom of my ship started freezing and i was stuck with grass stuck on my boat in tell i was freed from that frozen ice land now i'm heading to California to warm up and so. I headed off to California and then I felt the warm breeze on my face. It felt so nice to be in a warm climate and I was so happy to be there. I got to see some nice stuff like a roller coaster, cotton candy and some other things like. Hotdog stand and some other stuff and now i head England and then i saw some of my friends and i met my best friend Sparky we had a talk and then he went off to sail Brazil and i went off to England and i found a cool looking place but i had to keep going and then a [few weeks later] i saw the harbor of England. And I finally went to see what England looks like. It looked so cool. It was very fun at the fun rides but now this is the end of my story oh and if you find a canoe that has sparks on it might be sparky my best friend so i guess this bye now so good bye.oh and can i tell you more about my journey wait what do mean no can I tell you please wait no don ??t.Close this i'm begging you don ??t ok you stayed so i saw the king of England and he had a crown and i wanted one so i make one out of wood and don ??t ask how i did that and then i went around England and saw fish and chips and i was getting hungry so i went in. And got some fish and chips and so i went to a funko pop store and bought some funko pops and i went back to the apartment and eated my food and that is that end i think yeah it is the end.So bye yall.
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