Canoe 23RD1717

My boat will start in Cart Creek. He will come to a waterfall, overcoming it strongly. Then someone will fix him up (if he needs any fixing) and put him back in another river determined he carries on to lake superior. His name is Captain Puppy Beard. It will take 7 years the boat will have splotches that are red, blue, yellow and wight and with shapes. He will be at historical places. Hope he will survive as long as me. He will see a kid, he will bring it home and read the bottom and put it back and it will go back on its journey. He will see bears, deers, rabbits, ducks, and all sorts of critters!!! He will come through muddy water, coming out very dirty and a bit more scratched up then at the beginning, but carrying on strongly. Finally, 7 years later in a small part of Lake Superior a little boat with shapes and made by a little girl pops up on the news that all happened in River of dreams!!
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