My canoe will start in the cart creek, the grafton river, red river,then to hudson bay. My canoe will meet a squirrel in a lake and the squirrel will be the canoe's best friend until the squirrel let's go in a month. Then next she will meet a seal at the ocean and the seal will catch a wave and then he will go underwater with the canoe and the canoe will then come out of the water and sail away to the nearest island hopefully hawaii. Then she will meet a deer.She will then get put out into the ocean by a canadian. She looks like an ocean sunset. She will meet a really kind girl and the girl will put her back in the river. In twenty years she will make it to the ocean.The reason it takes twenty years is because it hits a snowbank. It stays there for ten years. If an animal gets my canoe I hope they put it back in the water.I hope my canoe makes it to the ocean!Then someone finds it.They let it go later after fixing it five years later. They sent it back out to the water.Then it got stuck under a boat. My canoe's name is Ellencea. My canoe will be like a sunset beach. The colors of my canoe are pink, orange, yellow,blue,purple,and green.