Canoe 23RD1759

My canoe's name is fredric templeton the third. He is decorated with music notes, sun sets, and the year it was launched at the bottom. My canoe will start his journey by getting dropped into the cold waters of cart creek and start shivering. He was expecting to leave heroically, but it would be hard to do that when he was freezing. He will continue down the river watching mother ducks and ducklings play “ follow the leader’’ around the ponds he sees as he floats along the cart creek. He will travel for five months and get bored so he will start to do backflips, but the problem is: he is very bad at backflips. He was so bad that he accidentally tipped himself over. It will be very uncomfortable for Fredric to slowly travel upside down all the way to the park river for three months. Then he will get picked up by a few kids in park river who will give him to their dog named Bob thinking he is a normal stick. Bob will lick off all of Fredric’s decorations and spit him back in the river thinking he is too hard to chew. Fredric will be relieved to finally get back in the water and wash out the dog slobber, but then he will notice that the leaves are changing colors, the leaves are falling, and it is getting a lot colder outside—it is fall. It would also be winter soon so how would he be able to handle that? He will decide to forget about what might happen, and continue on his journey, and get as far as he can to the red river. He will travel down the river for a month and watch the ground around him cover itself in frost. One morning he will realize that he is stuck, but not stuck in a stick, stuck in the water. The river had frozen with him in it overnight! He would be stuck there for the rest of the winter until the ice would melt. He will stay in the park river for two more years watching deer leap through the woods because when the ice melts a wave will push Fredric to the side of the river and into a thick tree root. He will struggle in the roots but not be able to get out.He will get frozen in the tree root that winter but when the ice melts a wave will push him out of the root and he will finally continue on his journey. He traveled for another month watching beautiful spring flowers bloom until he finally will make it to the red river. It will then be spring so Fredric Templeton the third will really enjoy the wildlife. He will watch and listen to the cardinals singing above him and beavers splashing in a nearby dam. He will hear footsteps coming from the trees and a hunter will come and pick him out of the water. Fredric Templeton the third’s journey will last a total of about 2 years and a half and he will have a great time.
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