Its Spring of 2024 in Fertile Minnesota at the Sand Hill River. Its really nice here and the only thing I can hear is kids yelling. This girl named Nora painted me and is gonna put me in the river. Right now shes talking to her friends but Im sure shes gonna put me in the water soon. Two Hours Later YES finally shes putting me in the river Yes Im Free Now its off to the Hudson Bay. I see a lot of things like animals plants and water andoh Oh OH Im at Beltrami Hey guys guess what I made a new friend at the elevator named Mushroom. Now its Summer of 2024 and Im at Climax with my friend Mushroom. On the way here someone picked me and Mushroom up but then put us back down. I was so scared he was going to take us. It looks like Im coming up to another river. And Yes its the Red River Now its Winter of 2025 and my travel has been really boring. One person picked me up and threw me off a nearby bridge. I did NOT like that. Now I think Im coming up to Grand Forks. Its spring again. It took a while to get out of Grand Forks. I saw a lot of traffic people and buildings. Oh and I went through the public park where some kid picked me up. He asked his mom if he could keep me. Mommy can I have it the little kid said. No. His mom would say. And with that I was back in the water. Now its Autumn of 2025 and Ive traveled a long time. I think Im almost to Canada. It's Winter of 2026 and Im in Canada My trip has been going on for 8 seasons now I havent seen much just nature. Sadly Im LOSING my color Its summer again and Im in Winnipeg with my friend Mushroom. Im really glad shes by my side. Its Spring of 2026 and a dog took Mushroom Im so sad. Finally it is Fall of 2027. Im so happy because I have made it to Hudson Bay My journey was awesome