Hi my name is Mysterio. Titanic Jr. and I are best friends and these people named Kasen and Raphael have a story about us. Its called the Ocean Canoes but its not about them its about us. Anyway we are in Fertile Minnesota on the Sandhill River. We are racing through the waters and its Spring 2024. I see green grass and trees. Im with Titanic Jr. and our 1st stop is Beltrami Minnesota. Titanic Jr. is right beside me. After about 20 minutes we approached Beltrami. Ouch I hit a rock and yelled to Titanic Jr. I hit a rock he said he was going to ram me off of it in 321BAM He hit me off. Then we finally got to beltrami and we saw grain bins elevators trees but not that many cars and people. Then we made it to Climax. We were talking about what we were going to see. After a long time traveling we were in Grand Forks and we got stuck in shallow water. Then people saw us and picked us up. They saw our decorations and saw that it said we were trying to make it to the Hudson Bay in Canada. They put us back in the water. Hooray We are back on our journey. Now we made it to CANADA YAY I saw two cubs and a mama grizzly bear teaching the cubs how to fight. After a while we made it to Lake Winnipeg Me and Titanic Jr. passed it more than 2 months ago and once again its spring We are cruising through the river so close to Hudson Bay. Thunk oh no its Titanic Jr. stuck on top of a rock. I rammed into him and had enough speed to go over the rock to look. Its the Hudson Bay but theres storm clouds and the current is pushing us back up the river. Whoosh a massive wave crashes into us whoosh then we get slammed into a rock. We fell asleep and we both woke up on rocks. Then we wiggled into the wateryes We were so happy we finally made it out of the river but a fish bit us both and took us the long way. It finally let go and we were about to be in the ocean but another storm rolled in and washed us on the bay. We laid there for so long when a bird thought we were food. The bird freed us over the ocean by losing its grip. We fell 50 feet straight down. Yes we made it We didnt want it to end so soon so our new journey is to make it to Australia. We traveled across the ocean and saw a lot of oil rigs and fishing boats but let's put that to the side because we made it to Australia Titanic Jr. and I are so happy that we finished our journey. At first it was to make it to the ocean and then it was Australia. We successfully made it here Titanic Jr. said he likes it here and I said that to myself too. THE END. Thanks for reading me and Raphaels story.