Canoe 23RD1184

My Canoess Dream is to see a big fish and a fisherman. He will go to pick it up and bring it to his house and put it back in the river the next day. My canoe's name is Baseball. Baseball will go under the water from a storm and it will get stuck in a rock. A diver will find it after the storm he will put it back in the water and then Baseball will continue. The next day Baseball will see a black bear he was in Canada. He will also see a big catfish. He will be in Hudson Bay where there will be a lot of trees. Then baseball will meet a person from Canada and the person will take it to Florida. Baseball will see an alligator in a swamp and the alligator will take it under the water and it will get stuck in some trees and it will be stuck there until a fish comes and gets it and brings it up to the shore. Then a person will bring it to their house and it will make a friend and stay there forever.
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