Canoe 20RD0841

Journey of the S.S.Amethyst My journey starts at the Mistinka river in Minnesota.Soon before I launch my owner gives me a name the S.S. Amethyst. IՉ€™ve been in the water for about ten minutes and itՉ€™s going pretty smoothly. Okay itՉ€™s been one day since I left the Mistinka and IՉ€™m heading for some cute animals swimming around and theyՉ€™re heading straight for me.... And they picked me up and started hitting me with a rock! I think they are trying to eat me! They just put me down. ItՉ€™s been about a week and an elderly man just picked me up and brought me to his log cabin. It is a very cozy one too.He appears to be observing me and says we are in Duluth! My owner said that was close to Lake Superior! I am looking pretty good for being out here for more than a week if I do say so myself although my purple color is kinda faded. The man said he will let me go in the morning.Hey! ItՉ€™s morning! To be exact, five in the morning! ItՉ€™s been a few hours and do you wanna know why IՉ€™m not there yet? I got stuck on a lily pad! But no worries a friendly otter knocked me off of it. Guess what IՉ€™m there IՉ€™m really there! IՉ€™m in Lake Superior! I did it!
Dec 22, 2024
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View Aug 14, 2021 Joy Neubert