Journey of the S.S.Amethyst
My journey starts at the Mistinka river in Minnesota.Soon before I launch my owner gives me a name the S.S. Amethyst. IՉve been in the water for about ten minutes and itՉs going pretty smoothly. Okay itՉs been one day since I left the Mistinka and IՉm heading for some cute animals swimming around and theyՉre heading straight for me.... And they picked me up and started hitting me with a rock! I think they are trying to eat me! They just put me down.
ItՉs been about a week and an elderly man just picked me up and brought me to his log cabin. It is a very cozy one too.He appears to be observing me and says we are in Duluth! My owner said that was close to Lake Superior!
I am looking pretty good for being out here for more than a week if I do say so myself although my purple color is kinda faded.
The man said he will let me go in the morning.Hey! ItՉs morning! To be exact, five in the morning! ItՉs been a few hours and do you wanna know why IՉm not there yet? I got stuck on a lily pad! But no worries a friendly otter knocked me off of it. Guess what IՉm there IՉm really there! IՉm in Lake Superior! I did it!