Hi my canoe will start in pelican river and head in red river in fargo on january 26 of 2022 it will be in chicago on february 13 there will be a big rane storme and there with be a BIG flood. After the big ran flood my canoe will be by the side walk waiting for someone to come and pick me up. After the big flood i saw a lt of fish in the watter and the fish will bit my canoe. On september 30 there was a snow storm i was froze in the water i saw a some other cano and then i hade to what so the in the spring so that i coud be let free in the water agen. On november 24 i saw some people and i saw a lot of dogs on the way to husin bay i got stuck in all the mude then i saw a dear and it was tring to eat me but then it stepped on me and then i was let back in the river. i saw a bever and it ceped me in his damn and i had to what until the watter was un frozen. But other wise i have a grate time. I saw a lot of trees and animals and i will neve forget the time i was on the river and it had a big big floode it was fun. On the day i got stuck a kind purson helped me thanks to them.