Paddle To The Sea
ՉHow about a can of chicken noodle soup?Չ said Lila. (Lie-la)
ՉToo long, Lila,Չ said Google.
ՉHow about Paddle to The Sea?Չ said Google.
ՉThatՉs perfect,Չ said Lila.
ՉNow we have to put Paddle to The Sea in the river,Չ said Lila.
It was later that day that Paddle started his journey to one of the oceans in the wild.
He started to see animals that were small and tall, skinny and fat, slimy and dry, and hairy.
The trip was long, but paddle kept going.
He got to rapids and tipped over, and got tipped back.
His trip was going good until one day... It was raining harder and harder.
Then, a tornado started to form.
Before paddle got to Hudson Bay, he got off course.
The tornado picked Paddle up and threw him backwards.
Paddle started again not far off course.
So Paddle started at the Red River and a while later, Paddle saw a bald eagle and it dove and caught a fish, then ate it.
Paddle saw a bear, a rabbit, a moose, and a bird.
Paddle got to Hudson Bay and continued to the sea soՉ» Paddle was going through the forest.
Paddle got a look at mushrooms, but kept going.
Paddle got by the ocean, then someone playing Pokemon Go kicked Paddle into the ocean, and Paddle heard, ՉYes, I caught Kyogre.Չ